

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dìa de Accion de Gracias

Another great week en el campo misional. We did celebrate thanksgiving to my surprise. President called and invited us and the office elders to his house for lunch and his family was there, it was sooo good. All the latinos were like what is this food, and all the gringos were happy. I didnt get a picture of it though bummer....just a few selfies with them haha Also, the zone had a dinner which wasnt turkey or anything but we had funeral potatoes and jello salad with mangoes. a nice peruvian twist.
But all that stuff doesnt really matter ya know what i was awesome but the best parts of the week was with some FH activities that we had. A whole branch like 2 hours outside of arequipa gathered about 30 members and were there sending names. It was such a fun environment. When they send a name they ring the bell. (my idea) just saying. still workin on that humility thing.. the spirit is so different there. One convert kept saying I have to go I have to go I have to go after he sent like 4 names meaning i have to go to the temple. Yet another testimony that family history truly retains converts and all members to keep or make covenants in the temple. 
Other than that, I dont really know what to say today other than than i am grateful. I am already listening to my christmas music because i love christmas, great excuse to talk about our lord and savior jesus christ. I dont know if you all have seen the new video the church made a Savior is Born but we are sharing it with everyon eand anyone that we can find. It is a season where more people are receptive to hearing about the savior. I know that when i feel the effects of the saviors atonement, that is when i have a deep appreciation for him, and want to truly follow the example that he has left for me. I am working on repenting because i feel like I have a long way to go and realize that now more than ever, i need to be more like the savior to be able to represent him as a full time misisonary, and be someone that reflects the way the savior acts. The scripture, be ye therefore perferct shouldnt be overwhelming, it is a commandment like others, and the lord doesnt look upon sin with the least bit of allowance. I realize i need to strive harder to be a little closer to perfect to be able to represent him. His love is real and his purpose is more than we can understand, but we can feel that it is true. 

Love you all, have a great week

hna larsen

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